National Demonstrator - ** indicates availability at short notice

Alison Penno ** - Cornwall
With thanks to my Mum I was introduced to the world of floral design at a very early age. Having grown up with flowers it was inevitable I would choose floristry as a career and also join the NAFAS family. I am a member of Links Designer Club, where I have been involved on the committee and also chaired.
Being a member of NAFAS has brought so many opportunities to me, the most memorable were exhibiting, at Flowers at Oxford and RHS Chelsea, winning silver gilt medals on two occasions. Working in a team for the Devon & Cornwall area and competing in the Florist of the Year.
In 2015 I passed the Area Demonstrators test, this has resulted in me visiting many clubs in the area. I have also demonstrated in Ireland and Portugal. In 2021 I went on to pass the National Demonstrators Test.
I love demonstrating, the challenge of coming up with interesting designs and topics is exciting although the real buzz is the nervousness before you go on stage and the chatting afterwards with fellow friends.
Area Demonstrators - ** indicates availability at short notice

Barbara Clatworthy ** - Devon (not Wednesday)
I really enjoy being a demonstrator and am delighted to be the Area Demonstrator 's Representative. I represent the demonstrators at JDSE committee meetings. I also attend demonstrator reps meetings at NAFAS HQ and pass on information from the National Demonstrator' s Committee to our demonstrators.
From time to time Refresher Days are held for demonstrators to give us all an opportunity to reflect on our demonstrations and consider new ideas to create a 'wow factor'.
Training to become an Area Demonstrator.
Demonstrating is very rewarding. To become a demonstrator a candidate must demonstrate their ability to 'hold' an audience's attention while explaining the use of the Elements and Principals of Design. They must also complete a plant identification and prepare a portfolio of their designs.
All club venues are different, therefore knowledge of the venue helps the demonstrator to plan to make the most of the space, so please send as much information as you can when booking the demonstrator.
If you are interested in becoming a demonstrator please contact me at barbclatworthy@btinternet.com

Christine Harrington ** - Cornwall (not January, February)
Having passed my City and Guilds in floristry I joined Liskeard and District flower club where a whole new world opened up for me. I went on and passed the NAFAS higher certificate in floral art and design level 4. The next step was to take the demonstrators test which I was thrilled to have passed in 2015. I have had some wonderful experiences gaining a 1st at the National Show in 2019 and a RHS gold medal at the Malvern spring show which was a truly memorable moment. I have also had the privilege of arranging flowers at Westminster Abbey. I love nothing better than coming up with new designs and making my own containers but never forgetting the importance of the principles and elements of design.

Julia Harrison ** - Devon
Demonstrating enables me to do something challenging, larger and using different foliage and flowers, trying out new designs and materials. I think in the future this will become crucial as flowers are set to become more expensive so we must think of new ways to use less and still be beautiful. The elements of design will become important as we look for innovation which will appeal to all our club members.
It is a good opportunity to bring the disciplines together and share my love of plant material.
Currently my titles are Box Clever and Flower Fusion

Angela Hyland - Cornwall
Having spent forty three years in catering and been dabbling in flowers, doing the occasional demonstration to various ladies groups, I found with my family all grown up I had some free time so I joined Penrice flower club and the flower bug took over. The opportunity arose to train as an area demonstrator and in a mad moment I decided to go for it. I passed my test in May 2012. Since then I have had the pleasure to visit numerous clubs in our area and share my love of flowers and foliage with like-minded people. Some of my titles are All things bright and beautiful, Flower Power and my latest (which I only prepared ready for this new year) Fashioned by the garden. Although hard work I enjoy the fun of demonstrating and hopefully giving pleasure to people

Gretchen White ** - Devon
My introduction to Floral Art in 1990 was via Adult Education Classes. Our superb teacher encouraged us all to join a Flower Club. It was while watching a good demonstration that I thought ’I want to do that, I want to make people happy!’ I passed my demonstrator’s test in 2008 in the Wessex and Jersey Area of NAFAS. I have lived at Bishopsteignton in Devon since 2013 and have created a garden with foliage and flowers that I can use in my demonstrations. I enjoy sharing fabulous flowers and foliage with clubs in Devon and Cornwall and beyond into Somerset.

Pat Penno ** - Cornwall
I have been an Area Demonstrator for 34 years, and am still loving every minute of it. It is great to be able to give enjoyment to the many clubs I have visited.
Demonstrating is very different from Teaching, and you can share and tell all sorts of stories, whether members believe it or not, that's another matter! I have been very fortunate having travelled far, in this Country and overseas. I have been to Spain, Jersey and Portugal, had amazing times and great to look back on. Once you have passed that Demonstrators Test, you can do your own thing, but always remember the Basic Principles and the Elements of Design, this will take you far both in demonstrating and exhibiting.

Sheila Hadlow-Mount ** - Cornwall
I became an Area Demonstrator in 2000.I have visited many clubs within our Area and also to the South West Area. Besides demonstrating at club events I have also had the opportunity to do a mini demonstration at our Residential Course at Brunel and mini demonstrations at our National Shows. Belonging to our Area has opened up opportunities and although planning a demonstration and travelling many miles to deliver a demonstration takes a lot of time and planning, I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting many of our fellow members and showing my love of demonstrating.

Susan Griffiths. nee Kehoe - Devon
I have been a NAFAS member for 46yrs. Flower arranging blossomed at Saltash Flower Club, Cornwall, under the guidance of the late Cynthia Willcocks.
1997 Qualified as area demonstrator Travelling to Clubs in Devon and Cornwall, South West, Dorset,Channel Islands and Spain.
1998 Canterbury Cathedral, a petite design taken from a book in Her MajestyThe Queen's private collection.
2006 Dromantine House, Newry N.Ireland. Invited by the late Rev William McMillan MBE. to design an arrangement raising funds for African Missions.
2009 Westminster Abbey, NAFAS Golden Anniversary, invited to design an arrangement to William Wilberforce.
2010 RHS Chelsea.(NAFAS) Part of the team representing Devon and Cornwall.Winning silver gilt medal.
2011 RHS Malvern Show,(NAFAS) Jointly designing a large exhibit depicting Gabrielle ”Coco" Chanel winning Silver Gilt.
2014 WAFA World Show Dublin. Designed Honorary Exhibit for U.K. competed in class Delight in the Detail winning a prestigious GOLD MEDAL.
2015 RHS Chelsea. commissioned by Whetman Pinks Devon ,to design and arrange a" Major Stand” winning a Silver Gilt Medal. I have entered and won numerous awards at Area and National Level.
Contact at k.griffiths123@btinternet.com

Sue Neale ** - Devon
I joined Ilfracombe F.A. Club in 1990. I put my name down on the “Flower Rota” at the Golf Club & was asked by one of the ladies – “Did you do the flowers?” Yes, i replied.....’ , would you like to join our flower club?” I haven’t looked back! My other hobbies are gardening, singing and cooking.
I qualified as an Area Demonstrator in 2007 & have thoroughly enjoyed visiting most of the Clubs in D & C and other areas.
As a club we have entered the local carnival, decorated many local churches, produced flowers for dignitaries & events, including Princess Diana’s visit to the town – more recently at RHS Rosemoor to coincide with their ‘Summer Show’.
My childhood was spent on a farm in Oxfordshire. I learnt to ride at four on a wonderful donkey called “Bimbo” before i was lucky enough to have my first pony “Duchess” (an “Exmoor”), with a wonderful temperament.
Happy days indeed!!

Tracy Johnson - Devon
A florist with over 20 years experience and became an Area Demonstrator in 2015. She teaches Flower Arranging and Arts & Crafts as a Tutor with South Devon College and runs private classes in mosaics, felt making and various other crafts. She likes to make her own floral containers/props and incorporates her hand-made crafts into her demonstrations too. Tracy and her family are either ex-military or currently serving, so she always has some stories to tell about the comings and goings of her varied career and past life. She is also an active member of the WI and Totnes Flower Club.

Karen Smith - Devon
Thanks to my Grandmother's passion for flower arranging & helping her as a small child I decided to go into floristry, once my own children were teenagers. I trained at Bicton college & once qualified I set up and ran my own business, Talking Flowers, in 2003. Covering all aspects of floristry work including workshops. We ran the business for 10 years I currently continue to run workshops from home on the farm which are highly popular.
After attending many flower club demonstrations ,and throughly enjoying them. I thought that’s something I like to challenge myself in my twilight years! To keep my creative juices flowing. I started demonstrating in 2021 and passed my Area demonstrators test in November 2024.