National Judges (** indicates availability at short notice)

Valerie Best - Cornwall
All aspects of “Judging” are my passion, and I have been most fortunate that my qualifications have taken me all over the world representing NAFAS.
I qualified as an Area Judge in 1986 and as a National Judge in 1994, going on to qualify as an Adjudicator, Instructor and more recently as an Assessor.
The qualifications have taken me to Canada, France, Japan, Barbados and India.
It was a privilege to be appointed as “Judging Arbitrator” for WAFA India 2020 and I presented the Judging Seminars 2018 in Hyderabad and at the WAFA Show this year in Jaipur.
I personally enjoy researching subjects of interest to both Competitors and Judges. Currently “Dynamic Balance”, “Steampunk” and “Graffiti” are special projects of mine.

Gill Casey ** - Cornwall
I started flower arranging in the 80’s when I lived in Hong Kong and ended my time there as Chairman of Hong Kong Flower Club.
My husband and I returned to the UK in 1994 when I joined Launceston floral art group.
Keen to make new friends I involved myself in the committee and also took on a job on the area executive. I took my area judges’ test in the late 90’s and became Area Chairman from 2002 to 2004.
Since then I edited the Area magazine for 4 years, set up and run the Area website and been on the JDS&E committee for many years including being chairman from 2015 to 2019. I was also National Media Officer for five years.
I’ve been a national judge for eleven years and I really enjoy competing and judging.
I enjoy my garden and am an enthusiastic plant collector.

Judith Taylor ** - Devon
Member of NAFAS since 1980s. National Judge since 2000.
Judged widely in UK and overseas including 2 WAFA shows in Boston, USA and India.
I like to compete at all levels -sometimes successfully!

Ann Trigg ** - Devon
I first joined Tiverton Flower Club in 1997 when we moved to Devon from Kent. I did the Diploma in Floral Art and Design and was asked to help out at Bicton College to teach the course when the tutor went sick. I said I would teach for four weeks until they found another tutor that was 18 years ago! I gained the Certificate in Education (Post Compulsory Education and Training) in 2006.
I started free lance teaching in 2005. I now have 21 students who are all experience flower arrangers. My classes are geared toward being creative and to develop a range of styles and interpretive work.
I am very committed to support public shows such as Taunton Show and Devon County Show. These are the shop window for floral Art. I have been the Floral Art Steward for DCS for the past 10 years
I became a National Judge in 2011. I enjoy the challenging aspect of judging and it gives me the opportunity to meet other people and see some amazing floral exhibits.
I think the most important thing is to remember that flower arranging should be fun.
Area Judges (** indicates availability at short notice)

Glennis Beard ** - Cornwall
I joined Kenwyn Valley Flower & Garden Club some 40 odd years ago. Entering shows got me interested in Judging and after taking my City & Guilds passed my test in 1991.
Judging has taken me from Penzance to North Devon and on to Taunton. Having enjoyed working on many Area Show committees, Chaired my own show in Truro, co designed the Millennium Flower Festival in Truro Cathedral and was one of the team representing the Area at Chelsea,
Chosen to take many offices at Club level and once was a Judge steward at a National Show. (Bliss)
Currently JDS&E Chairman and programme secretary for my club.
Apart from my loving family, judging is my passion, seeing what the exhibitors have created. (A delight.) Plus all the lovely friends I have made. (Fantastic).

Julia Harrison ** - Devon
My parents were interested in the village shows and grew loads of vegetables and flowers. I entered my first show aged eight, and was very happy to beat my older sister. I remember I did Snow white and the seven dwarfs!
I went with my mother to flower club which was in Oadby – Dorothy Cooke was the Chairman, she scared me to death. I joined my first club properly in 1971, this was Torbay and I still have a soft spot when I go there.
I did my Judges training whilst on the JDS&E Committee the first time. I wanted to judge the Member’s Subject with more knowledge of what I was looking for. I feel people put so much into their work it behoves us to judge properly.

Maggi Murray ** - Cornwall
I became an Area Judge for Devon and Cornwall Area of NAFAS nearly twenty years ago.
I enjoy competing, at local and National level and the in-depth knowledge gained by Judge's training and practice, has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of all things floral.
I like to keep up to date with new floral trends and am a member of Links Designer Club and frequently attend the workshops and classes of JDSE and Creative Leisure Group.
I was the Chairman of the very successful Area show "Pzazz" held in Bude.
I have attended the last four WAFA shows, in Boston, Dublin, Barbados and India. all wonderful opportunities to keep abreast of international trends and design.
I am a firm believer in "If you always do what you always did.....you will always get what you always got! Experiment, be bold, but always be ready to learn.
These are interesting times for floral design and we should do all we can to encourage and aid new members to our craft.

Edna Trudgeon ** - Cornwall
Following on with my love of Floral Art and being a little competitive by nature, I went for the Judges training course, quite a challenge.
The training was intense, but success was sweet, when it came!
I appreciate being invited to judge a show, so inspirational and such imaginative talent in our area.
I have served on the executive council, been area treasurer twice, and treasurer on three area shows.