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Devon & Cornwall Area of NAFAS - Overall winner in the National Chairman's Challenge!

Personal message from Maureen Olver (Area Chairman) - "My personal thanks to everyone who took part in the National Chairman's Challenge, it was a delight to see the beautiful entries submitted for the competition titles.  Every month demonstrated the high standard and enthusiasm of our members.  Special thanks of course to Glennis, Heather, Pat, Rose, Mandy and Maddie, four 1sts, one 2nd and one 3rd, well done to all of them!"

Scroll down to view more National Chairman's Challenge Photos
National Chairman's Challenge - "Remember, remember the 5th of November"
National Chairman's Challenge - October - "Here comes Autumn"
National Chairman's Challenge - September - "Back to School"
National Chairman's Challenge - August - "Picnic on the Beach"
National Chairman's Challenge - July - "Happy Holidays"